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Security and Alarm Systems

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Security and Alarm Systems Empty Security and Alarm Systems

Post by MikeRMex Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:50 am

Greetings everyone, just to let you all know that I will be in the Ventanas, Sargento area tomorrow providing some quotes for clients on a home security systems. There have been a number of recent robberies in the area's in and around La Paz including Sargento, so if you would like me to stop by and evaluate your property I will be happy to meet with you. We offer a full range of alarm and security systems as well as CCTV. We also provide 24hr / 7 day monitoring, patrol services and insurance packages.

If you would like to meet please call me at 612-140-2326 or email me at

Have a GREAT day,

Mike Raye
Gigabyte Security and Alarm Systems
La Paz, BCS.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-01-05

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